Linq select one id with flattened list (example)

If you have an object with an id property and another property with a list of objects (has inheritance) and wants to get a new list with the inherited list flattened and keep the id. You can do like this:

public class Test
private void TestMethod()

Category _cat1 = new Category();
_cat1.Color = "Blue";

Category _cat2 = new Category();
_cat2.Color = "Green";

Category _cat3 = new Category();
_cat3.Color = "Red";

Category _cat4 = new Category();
_cat4.Color = "Yellow";

Category _cat5 = new Category();
_cat5.Color = "Lime";

List list1 = new List();

List list2 = new List();

List _listCar = new List();
_listCar.Add(new Car() { Id = 1, Categories = list1 });
_listCar.Add(new Car() { Id = 2, Categories = list2 });

var item = (from x in _listCar
.SelectMany(x => x.Categories, (Ids, Cars) =>
new { Ids, Cars })
select new
Id = x.Ids.Id,
Cat = x.Cars.Color

var aba = item;

public class Car
public int Id { get; set; }
public List Categories { get; set; }

public class Category
public string Color { get; set; }

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